Brady Girls' Tennis Week of 4/17
7.0 years ago
I hope you all enjoyed this beautiful Easter Day.
Monday 4/17— Home Match at Memorial Field vs. Derryfield. Match starts at 4:00 pm, all players both Varsity and JV players arrive dressed and ready to warm up by 3:30 pm Sydney Herrington will bring team snacks and case of water for all to share. Please dress for changing weather conditions. Memorial Field is frequently cold and windy—bring enough layers to stay warm while both playing and cheering on your teammates!
Tuesday 4/18— All JV Players have a lesson with Teaching Pro, Pattu, at the Health Club at 3:00-4:30. I enjoyed watching your lesson last week, I could tell you were having fun and improving at tennis!
All Varsity Players will travel to away match vs Nashua HS North.* I will provide a case of water for this match.
Wednesday 4/19—Keep checking the website, bishopbradyathletics.com, we hope to make up a missed home match on this date. If there is no match rescheduled, we will practice outdoors at Merrill Park.
* I am willing to order and pick up team boxed lunches for away matches from Cimo’s, only if I have your order and your money. As of today, I have orders and money from Anna and Addie. I have an order only from Ravalika. If you choose to not order from Cimo’s, you are on your own for your food for away matches. All money and orders due tomorrow. There are 6 away matches and the boxed lunches are $7 Each.
Thursday and Friday 4/20-21 —Off
Enjoy your spring break—and please keep your tennis skills fresh!
Mrs. H.