We survived a busy tennis week, are still looking for our first team win, but are definitely getting closer! We believe all players made progress in their game, and their ability to compete during this hectic, 4-match week, and look forward to improving even more over the final 2 weeks of our season. We are proud of our team’s ability to balance a grueling match schedule and AP exams—a special shout-out to Ravalika who sat for 2 AP exams and 4 matches in 4 days!
Due to rescheduled matches because of lousy weather, we have 4 matches/week for the next 2 weeks. And, if you’ve looked at the 10-day rainy weather forecast, we will need a bit of luck to play our matches on the dates scheduled. Mr. Lathrop decides when matches must be cancelled due to rain, and he makes the change to our online schedule. For those who have signed up for a fan account, followed varsity tennis, and left your email address at:
you’ll get notified as soon as the schedule is changed. If in doubt about our match schedule, I encourage you to check that site.
Monday 5/8 Home Match vs. Winnacunnet at Memorial Field
Tuesday 5/9 Away Match vs. Alvirne (Sydney, Ravalika, Rachel, Anna, Alexa, Addie will travel) Manu is first alternate, Silvia is second alternate (bring gear to school in case one or more of first six become ill)
Wednesday 5/10 Away Match vs. Pinkerton (all varsity girls will travel)
Thursday 5/11 Home Match Vs. Londonderry
Friday 5/12 Off (may be used for make up match due to rain)
Monday 5/15 Away Match vs. Timberlane
Tuesday 5/16 Home Match vs. Hanover
Wednesday 5/17 Home Match vs. Bedford
Thursday 5/18 Home Match vs. Keene (Senior Night)
Friday 5/19 —prom night!
As in prior years, the annual tennis fee to cover indoor court time and group lessons is $50. Please bring your payment to Mr. Lathrop. Payment due by 5/12.
Enjoy your weekend.
Joan Herrington
Assistant Coach